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Connie van Dam

Connie van Dam

Op Holimoni sinds 23 oktober 2023

Op Holimoni sinds 23 okt. 2023

I am Connie van Dam, holistic bodywork practitioner and founder of Yomabe. I am the developer of a complete holistic program for women: Your Hormones in Balance. In addition, I annually train a select group of people to become holistic bodywork practitioners with their own methodology in which I combine yoga and yoga therapy with voice work and holistic massage. I believe that it’s not about what you're looking for, but about what you find, discover and encounter. That you may engage with the encounter with yourself and life with an open mind, open heart, and open pelvis. So that passion, creativity, desires, and needs may come together with the world of intuition and intelligence. Where we may face reality without judgment and with ever deeper questions.


Physical and emotional stress, pain and trauma

Women with hormone-related symptoms around PMS, PCOS, pregnancy desire, and menopause.

Training holistic bodyworkers

Opleidingen holistisch lichaamswerk behandelaar en therapeut

Opleiding holistisch hormoon yoga therapeut


Yoga teacher

Yoga therapist

Hormone yoga expert, Massage therapist

STEM work coach

Holistic bodywork trainer

Education & Courses

Hatha Yoga teacher specialized in back (Yoga Academy Netherlands)

Gitananda yoga instructor & Gitananda yoga therapist



Not covered

Chamber of Commerce




Holistic bodywork trainer, Yoga teacher, Yoga therapist, Massage therapist, Voice work coach, Holistic bodywork, Holistic massage, Yoga, Yogatherapy, Voice work, Holistic bodywork training, Massage training, Yogatherapy training, Voice work training, Hormone yoga, Hormone yogatherapy, Hormone yoga therapy, Hormone yogatherapy

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