Dutch, English, German
A holistic massage is a delightful moment of attention, touch, warmth, nurturing, and enjoyment. Touching the skin activates various processes that not only contribute to a sense of well-being but also promote better health. Massage creates space for discovery, for feeling and experiencing how you are. Each massage is fully tailored to you and adjusted according to your wishes.
Complaint-oriented massage
Relaxation massage
Massage therapist since 2018
Trainings & Courses
Basic massage course (Kiom) Classic Swedish massage I & II (Solar Plexus)
Integral holistic massage (Positive Touch)
Reiki 1 (Reiki Coaching Ellen Romme) Cupping (Solar Plexus)
Trigger point therapy (Solar plexus)
Massage and cancer (Foundation "For You" & Network Massage in Cancer) Positive health (Fontys University of Applied Sciences)
Shiatsu facial massage (Kiom) Deep massage - Chakra massage (Touch)
Coaching for masseurs (Kiom)
Deep Tissue massage (Kopos)
Not covered
Chamber of Commerce