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Op Holimoni sinds 29 oktober 2023

Op Holimoni sinds 29 okt. 2023

I am Jetske. Just Jetske. I am not Jetske from...Simply because the time I spend on consciously being myself and helping others become more conscious of themselves is so interwoven into my life. I see setbacks as challenges to investigate your emotions, experience them and then look at how you can learn to deal with your symptoms differently so that they control your life less. I am happy to support you on your way to becoming more conscious of yourself in a calm but, at the right moments, confronting way. I do this intuitively, starting from your question for help. Afterwards, we smoothly navigate between your experience and strengths and the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years in my jobs as a therapist and home support worker for people with mental vulnerabilities, and my training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, women's circles and priestess-hood. You can approach me for women's circles, individual conversations and individual moments (meditations, rituals or ceremonies that we shape together based on your question).


Value-based living

Dealing with overwhelming emotions

More conscious living

Spiritual development



Circle washer


Education & Courses

Occupational therapy (Artevelde University of Applied Sciences Ghent)

Master in Occupational Therapy Science (University of Ghent)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Chris Deleu)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT Academy, Joris Corthouts and Marco Kellens)

Create Your Circle (Tiny Sanders)

The Path of the Priestess (Lydia Maertens)



Not covered

Chamber of Commerce



Therapist, circle facilitator, priestess, ACT, DGT, acceptance and commitment therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, mindfulness, meditations, psychological vulnerability, women's circles, circles, rumination, dream life, strengths, coaching, coach, priestess, rituals, ceremonies, spiritual development

© 2023 Holimoni, V.O.F.